Selected Sketch
Some sketches for clarifing our ideas
Mascot Design - Anck Su Namum
Art Direction, Character Design, Branding
Selected Storyboards
Selected storyboards in past projects
Trudon - La Promeneuse Dragon Year Launch 龍年新春緋紅擴香爐
Advertising, Animation, Concept Art
驚嘆樂舞 Amazing Show
Art Direction, Animation
一光年的距離 The Distance of a Light Year
Concept Art
Christmas Annual Event 聖誕澎湃宴
Game Assets Design
樂托邦國際音樂季 Lootopia Music Festival
2016, Concept Sketch
Whale Island Tangram Game
Illustration, Art Direction, Pattern Design
珍珠紅 Pearl Red Valley
2017, Art Direction
Time Tells a Luminous Story
Art Direction, Art Installation