Trudon - La Promeneuse Dragon Year Launch 龍年新春緋紅擴香爐

2023 芝味祭 — 神遊山海川 Sanzhi Festival
【芝味祭 — 神遊山海川 】是結合三芝在地食材、人文與自然生態的一系列觀光與祭典活動。讓參與者深入三芝的在地風土。
2023 "Sanzhi Festival“ is a series of tourism and festival activities that combine the local ingredients, culture, and natural ecology of Sanzhi. It allows participants to immerse themselves in the local culture.

《尼貝龍指環》 Der Ring des Nibelungen
Style frames for a projection mapping in National Taichung Theater.

Paliljaw.1874 巴利澤敖

Forgotten Land - 遺忘之地
Steam punk creature design

一光年的距離 The Distance of a Light Year
Concept art for The Distance of a Light Year
On a small planet, there lived a lonely little girl who guarded a lighthouse all by herself. One day, a distant and bright light responded to the frequency of the lighthouse. Determined, she decided to embark on her adventure, seeking her place of belonging and answers.

驚嘆樂舞 Amazing Show
Taiwan Aboriginal Music and Dance Performance

Time Tells a Luminous Story
Installation at Guangzhou Rural Commercial Bank

LP Support
Concept art for 3D animation

麥LOVE嘉年華 MyLove Carnival
Map design for McDonald's annual event

Christmas Annual Event 聖誕澎湃宴
Map design for Mcdonald's annual event

Selected Sketch
Some rough sketch

開放政府 Open Government Partnership
Explanier video - Open Government Partnership - Taiwan Intro. Style frame, 2D animation, Motion graphic by Nien Chung. 台灣開放政府形象影片,動畫:鍾念恩,國家發展委員會。

樂托邦國際音樂季 Lootopia Music Festival
音樂季裝置概念設計, Installation concept of Music Festival.

迷霧森林 Mystery Wood
多媒體互動兒童樂園. Multimedia themed entertainment.

Whale Island Tangram Game
Whale island, a tangram interactive game for children.